

Discovery of the day: Grab and go breakfast

OK, it's not completely effortless, but it's a heck of a lot easier to eat while driving than a bowl of fruit salad.

A month or so ago I started getting tired of prepping the fruit for my breakfast fruit salads. The final straw was when the beauteous pineapple I cut into was all brown and nasty inside. It wasn't the first time that had happened. I really hate throwing that huge chunk of fruit into the trash.

I had to eat something, so I grabbed a banana and an apple. While shoving the banana in my face, I cut the apple in half, scooped out the core, and filled each dent with a blob of peanut butter. And you know what? It was perfect.

I'd been making these for my son for years and had recently started taking apples to work to fill with peanut-y goodness for my afternoon snacks. I even bought a second melon-baller to keep in my desk although I keep forgetting to actually bring it in.

So for now, fruit salad is so last month. Now I take it a step further and dip the pb-filled apple halves in the container of ground flaxseed left in the fridge from my fruit salad days.

Good, and good for you. And you can eat it while driving. Does it get better'n that?

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