

Discovery of the day: Baked tofu has its limits

Oops! Missed a day. It's February which is traditionally my worst month in terms of mood. Not sure why, no good reason for it, but it is. So I may skip a post from time to time until I get my mojo back. C'mon, equinox!!

Anyway, on Sunday I finally got a chance to try making a batch of baked tofu. I wanted to use it to replace chicken in a curry/tomato type recipe (Indian Captain's Chicken?) I've had for years. The baked tofu cubes came out of the oven full of promise; nice & crunchy on the outside, firm texture. So far so good!

Until... I added it to the stew and simmered. Doh! It soaked up the juice and became little cubes of reconstituted sponge. The resulting stew was severely lacking in sauce because of it. And, since I marinated the tofu in soy sauce, it was r-e-a-l-l-y salty.

Next time I'll just buy the extra firm tofu and press it. I'll save the baked tofu to add to a stir fry at the last minute or something.

Post-virus weight report: Back up a lb, which is probably to be expected since I'm eating again, but I'm still below that first threshold. I'm sure hoping I can stay there.

My goal this week is to stop drinking so much decaf. Yeah, I say I'm decaffeinated, but if I'm drinking gallons of decaf a day (which has about 10% of the caffeine of full-leaded coffee) I'm really just kidding myself.

Wouldn't be the first time!

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